
My Urgent Care Clinic
Urgent Care located in Boerne, TX & Bergheim, TX
Roughly 30 million adults in the United States deal with chronic migraines, or recurring headaches characterized by severe, throbbing pain and other debilitating symptoms. Living with an ongoing migraine problem can take a toll, affecting your ability to go to work or take part in social activities. The team of experts at My Urgent Care Clinic in Boerne and Bergheim, Texas, treat chronic headaches of all kinds, including migraines. If you’re ready to find migraine relief, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.
Migraine Q & A
What are primary headaches?
Primary headaches are triggered by a problem within the pain-sensitive structures of your head, including the nerves, muscles, and blood vessels around your skull, as well as the chemical activity in your brain. The three main types of primary headaches are:
- Migraine headaches
- Cluster headaches
- Tension headaches
Unlike secondary headaches, which are the direct result of a physical condition or illness, primary headaches are not an indication of an underlying health problem.
What are the four stages of a migraine?
Migraines are characterized by a severe pulsing sensation on either one or both sides of the head. Whether they last for a few hours or several days, most migraines progress through four distinct stages:
- Prodrome: The first stage, which usually occurs the day before a migraine strikes, usually includes subtle body cues that signal an impending attack, such as mood changes or neck stiffness.
- Aura: This stage may occur before or during a migraine. It sometimes includes visual disturbances, such as seeing bright spots or flashes of light, and may also include a temporary loss of vision, pins and needles sensation in a limb, or facial weakness.
- Attack: This phase of a migraine, which is the headache itself, can last 4-72 hours, causing pain on one or both sides of your head. It may also cause blurred vision, lightheadedness, sensitivity to light and sound, and nausea or vomiting.
- Post-drome: Once the migraine itself has subsided, you may experience weakness, moodiness, dizziness, or confusion.
What can trigger a migraine?
Although researchers don’t understand exactly what causes a migraine, they have been able to determine some of the most common migraine triggers:
- Increased stress or fatigue
- Changes in sleep patterns
- Environmental or seasonal changes
- Female hormonal changes
Some people find that their migraines are triggered by sensory stimuli, such as bright lights or strong scents. For others, the problem may be linked to certain food additives, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG). Alcohol, particularly red wine, is another known trigger.
How are migraines treated?
One of the most effective migraine treatment strategies is identifying and avoiding known triggers. Depending on the frequency and severity of your headaches, your treatment plan may also include pain-relief medications that you can take during an attack, or preventive medications and lifestyle changes that aim to reduce the frequency or severity of your headaches.
To learn more about all available migraine treatment strategies, call My Urgent Care Clinic in Boerne, Texas, walk in, or schedule an appointment online today.